A popular remedy to fungus in the foot

Agents of mycoses, very tough. The infection usually affects the foot and the nails of the limbs, because the feet sweat, chained shoes – comfortable environment for the reproduction of the fungi.

the traditional methods

To treat foot fungus

Get rid of athlete's foot, which is easily identifiable by the photos of affected skin, in conditions of treatment at home is possible. For this they use proven folk remedies. Pre-worth to consult a doctor, especially if the disease is the result of diabetes, or infection often recurs. How to cure foot fungus folk remedies? It is necessary to ensure the hygiene and diligently perform the preparation procedure.

If the disease is complicated ulcerations of the skin, the limb must be pre-disinfection, making the foot foot bath with potassium permanganate to a pink colour. If the skin is thickened, it is necessary to remove the layers of dead skin, inflicting their salicylic vaseline. Then, the processing goes to a faster pace. Only after that you can proceed directly to the spa.

How to treat fungus on legs folk remedies? As drugs are often used:

  • the celandine;
  • mint;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • boric acid;
  • essential oils;
  • the vinegar;
  • chicken eggs;
  • soap;
  • onion, garlic;
  • sour cream;
  • tincture of iodine (but it is better not to use – you can earn thyroiditis).

Folk remedies from foot fungus in adults

The choice of drugs is very large. However, most people prefer to start the treatment of the fungus on legs folk remedies with these recipes:

  1. A week of purification of the stop. Legs warm, moderately warm, thoroughly rub it with soap and treat hygienic brush for the feet for 5 minutes. Foam wash. These actions repeat 4-5 times. Then dry the feet rubbed with lotion.
  2. The bathroom with the celandine. Approximately 50 g of dry pharmacy raw materials, pour 1.5 l of boiling water, put on fire, after 4-5 minutes, turning. Keep the feet in a hot broth for a half hour. The course of treatment – 2-3 weeks. Celandine well to alternate with absinthe.

Folk remedies against the fungus in children

Athletes foot the best cure when the first symptoms, when the disease is not running. Effective folk remedy from mushrooms in the walk in the early stages of the disease – the tea tree oil. The substance repeatedly rubbed on the affected area. The use of this powerful antiseptic – one of the fastest methods to get rid of the fungus. Effective still the savers tools:

  • Sour cream. Helps to get rid of itching and cracking. This knowledge lubricate the feet during the night. The course of treatment – 1 week.
  • Bicarbonate of sodium. The popular antifungal medication for the legs, which is also a good resolve the skin a burning sensation, itching. Powder diluted with water so as to obtain a dense mass. Applies to the sick person of the place, and after drying, wash it.
  • Calendula. The flowers pour the turbulent boiling water (1:2), after half an hour, filter. Infusion spread of the foot before going to sleep.
the methods to fight the fungus

How to treat foot fungus folk remedies

Drugs home welcome to the pharmacy that recipe for them is simple and does not require large expenditures. Folk remedies are widely used in the forms:

  • bathrooms the foot;
  • wraps;
  • ointments;
  • infusions, decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Get rid of mold is possible by applying the birch tar. This universal tool, which treat of the foot, cracks, defeat, between the fingers, the sick nails. Problem areas coated with a thin layer of drug, and after 1.5 hours, removed with a cloth. Wash the feet, not 2 days. The procedure is repeated 3-5 times, until the instrument will not take the right action. Still popular:

  • Table vinegar (not to be confused with essences of which it is possible to burn your legs). The fungus does not move to an acid environment. Regular vinegar baths gradually destroy the infection.
  • The garlic. Pound to half with butter and applied as a compress for the night.
  • The onion. It is a very simple solution: the follicle is cut and the juice to rub the problematic areas.

Remedy for mold on the legs between the fingers

Many people help these recipes:

  • Mint leaves are crushed, it is distinct to a fruit juice, add salt and oil jelly to the tip intervals. After 1 hour wash it off.
  • Sprouts of potato tubers (chopped), pour to the brim with alcohol, infused for 3-4 days. Make compresses for the night.
  • Wet after the steaming of the foot treatment-boric acid, thickly falling asleep dust between the sick with your fingers.

Treatment for skin fungus on legs

This is also simple recipes. Improve the skin, help folk remedies from the fungi in the foot:

  • The bark of the oak. Make anklets in the bathroom with the hot broth.
  • The lemon. Lubricate the juice of the skin ill. You can alternate with the juice of the onion.
  • Coffee. It is a means of fast fungal of the skin of the feet. Prepare strong drink, and do anklets bathrooms.

Medicines from fungus of the foot on the sole

If the reproduction goes on the outsole, there are several treatment options:

  • When the disease has just begun, it is possible to try the instant coffee. In socks all day-spiked fresh powder and walk for about a week.
  • Researched a popular remedy from mushrooms in the walk – 9% table vinegar. Sole repeatedly smeared with them in the course of a crescent.
  • A great method of treatment – the application with fir-tree oil is a great antiseptic.
a popular way of struggle

Folk remedies from the fungi on the nails

The most popular and effective recipe – chicken egg, dissolved in the vinegar (no more than half a glass). After a week of steeping in the dark – until the shells do not dissolve – a lot of whipped cream 100 g butter. This cream every night and rubbed at the steam on the nails. Affected discs become soft, and their cut. Procedures alternate between baths with baking soda and soap. In addition, the nails, the cuticles:

  • tincture of propolis;
  • the juice of garlic;
  • decoction of oak bark.